
Readers workshop-60 minutes daily
·         .Mini Lesson
During this 10-15 minutes of our reading block, we will share a story or part of a story to highlight a comprehension skill we are working on.  Mini lessons happen daily and are a regular part of our reading block time.
·                     Core Instruction time
This time lasts anywhere from 30-40 minutes.  Generally the class is given a task based on the focus of the mini lesson.  At this time the kids will also be independently reading books at their appropriate level.  It is also during this time that reading groups will meet with me.  There will also be times when I will conference with students during this time (1-on-1 time where I am able to get a much more specific picture of who each child is a reader) or I may also assess students to determine if reading levels need to change.
·         Share time
At the conclusion of readers workshop, we will devote 5-10 minutes so a small selection of kids who would like to share anything that happened to them during independent reading time may do so.  They may have read a really neat book and want to tell their classmates about it or how they were able to apply the comprehension skill we worked on to their reading for the day.  While students are strongly encouraged to share, they are not required to do so.
·                     Read Alouds/Grandma Murray
Reading aloud is one of my most favorite things to do.  Read alouds are incorporated into the mini lesson portion of our reading time.  There will also be 1 day a week when my grandma, who we affectionately call Grandma Murray, will come to share her love of children’s literature with the kids.  It’s been our favorite time of the week for the past few years and Grandma Murray will tell you it’s the time of week she looks forward to most!

Writing workshop-60 minutes daily
·                     Mini Lesson
Just like readers workshop, writer’s workshop will follow the same format which will begin with a 10-15 minute mini lesson.  During this time a new writing skill will be taught/reviewed or the task for the day will be given.
·         Independent time
This time will be shorter at the beginning of the year and we will work on their writing stamina as the year progresses.  At our best this is also generally 30-40 minutes where students will be able to work on their pieces which really make them take ownership of their work!  As the teacher I will also independently conference with the kids and possibly pull small groups of students to focus or reinforce a skill with which they may be struggling.
·         Sharing
Just like reading, students will have the opportunity to share anything about the independent writing time.  Again, students do not have to share, but are strongly encouraged to do so.  It is about 5-10 minutes of our time.

Word Work-20/25 minutes 3-4 times a week
·         We are using  Words Their Way for our “spelling” curriculum.  Depending on the placement of your child, he/she may get a new word sort every other week.  When new sorts are given, they will be given on Friday and these will be used for the following week(s).  I will be sending the same set of words home on Monday for them to practice/to homework.  At home, you will need to cut them apart and do different activities to learn the skill being focused on.  Please be sure to keep them for the 1 or 2 weeks they have them.
·         Assessments do not HAVE to be given each week (or for some students, every other week) although I do like to check to see how well they have learned the skill.  Generally assessments will be given on a Friday.  I will start the year by not taking these for a grade, but as the year progresses I will take them into account for that portion of their report card.  I will let you know when I will make that change.
·         If you have any questions about this program or are unsure of where a particular word belongs in a sort, please do not hesitate to let me know! 

Math-60 minutes daily

          This is a spiral curriculum so many of the skills your child learned last year will continue to be focused and expanded on.  There is a lot of cooperative learning through partner activities and games in this series.   
          We will be doing workshop for math as well, but the format of this time is not as concrete as reading and writing. We will generally begin with a focus lesson which lasts approximately 15-20 minutes.  The remainder of the time is spent in small groups traveling to different stations.  One station will be work done with me, one will be work on the computer, and one will generally be a math game where the kids will practice skills we have been working on or they will be playing games to develop their strategic thinking.  There may be times where a focus lesson is not needed and we will go straight into group activities.  

I cannot stress enough the importance of memorizing the basic arithmetic facts. The instant recall of these facts will impact how easily your child will be able to manipulate numbers, see patterns, and do higher level mathematics in the future.


·              We will be in the second year of using our science curriculum and it proved to be quite fun last year!  This will be one that will focus on inquiry and requires a lot of hands on involvement from the kids.  We'll look at various concepts as we study Earth science, physical science, and life science.  Should be a fun year of learning 2nd grade science!

Social Studies

Social Studies covers so much content and is lots of fun to learn!  We begin our year by studying the formation of our government--the 3 branches of government is a highlight of the chapter.  Studying different cultures around the world is another topic along with learning the basics of economics!  The discussions we have are exciting and enjoyable, but we're also able to do various projects that allow for discovery and self learning as well!